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Geody Tour

Note: this is a tour to Geody's functions and a quick start guide.
If you want to make a virtual tour of world's features, see Geomarks instead.

What is Geody?

Geody is a world's search engine to find locations on Earth, the Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and even Space.

Enter a name, or coordinates, for a location, or click on the map, and search results will be linked to Google Earth, NASA WorldWind, Celestia, Google Maps, Mapquest, or you can see the sky above such spot using Stellarium. You can export a location to a GPX file and use it in your GPS device as well.

You also get a list of places near the location you searched for.

Users can contribute to the database uploading their own pictures.

How can I find a place with Geody?

Search for a place by its name or a coordinate.

Search where in the world is a certain place:

You can limit the search to a single country:
Rome, Italy
Rome, it

Or, enter a coordinate and you'll see a list of all places located near such coordinates. You can enter coordinates in various formats:
51.50N 0.11S
N51.50 S0.11
+51.50 -0.11
51.50 -0.11
5º 30' 0" N 0º 6' 36" E
5º 30' 0" N 0º , 6' 36" E
5 30 0 N 0 6 36 E
+513000-000636 (ISO 6709)

When you've found the place you were looking for, click on it to get information and see near places.

Information include name and other aliases, coordinates, location in the world's map, close up map, sunrise and sunset, links to locate the place using external applications like Google Earth, NASA World Wind, Celestia, or you can see the sky above such place using Stellarium. There are also direct links to other popular websites to get yet more data: you can get aerial views from Google Maps, see a local map from Map Quest, see what's the weather like, search Google for further information or pictures, and you can also search and buy books and music about that place, and travel from or to there, buying plane tickets, renting a car, or booking a hotel room.

And you're not limited to just planet Earth: there are also the Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Venus to explore, and if that's not enough, sky's the limit!

Sample places

London, UK
Vatican City
Naples, Italy
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Cydonia, Mars

Extra features

Geody Home - Start page (Splash page) for the browser with many features
World Time
Stream of images from the World
Database of living species - English and Latin (scientific) names
IP Geolocator - Find the city from where originates a given IP, and its related ISP
Sun rise and set - Find at what time the sun rises and sets in any place on Earth or any other planet
Distance between geographic coordinates - Calculates the distance between two places on Earth or any other planet
Measure Units Converter
Web Search (powered by Google)
Art Search for paintings (beta)
G30d1: Get information about any number
Web Safe Search for Families and Kids (powered by Google)
Fun stuff - Games, Curiosities, Wallpapers...

Geody sidebar

Geody can work as a sidebar on Google Earth and NASA World Wind (since v1.4).
Try the following links:

Geody sidebar for Google Earth
Geody sidebar for NASA World Wind

Page issued on Sun 16-Feb-2025 05:58 GMT
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